Celebrate Daylight Savings Time by Saving Money With Your Fan!
It’s once again time to spring the clocks forward an hour! Daylight saving time is when the days begin to feel warmer; the sun staying with us a little longer each evening. We all start stirring in anticipation, waiting upon the arrival of summer.
As we’re changing our clocks and getting ready to welcome the warm weather, there’s another change we often tend to disregard, but it could save you money. I’m talking about the direction your fan blades are spinning, and how it’s affecting your thermostat.
During winter months when your fan is set to clockwise the blades pull the cold air up, causing an updraft. The updraft then pushes the warm air on the ceiling down the sides of the walls, redistributing the heat within the room.
During summer months, set your fan to counter clockwise. Your blades are pushing cool air down, chilling the room and causing a breeze. The air being pushed down will cause a wind-chill effect.


Following this tip can allow you to save money by helping you to save energy!
Keep in mind that the power of this effect will be dependent on the efficiency of your fan in your space. If you’re worried your fan isn’t efficient enough for your space, come visit us in store and we’ll help you determine if it’s time to find something more suitable for you and your space. Check out to learn more about the efficiency of your fan:
Changing the direction your fan blades are spinning is easy! Simply turn off your fan, and locate the switch near the housing of the fan to turn it to the desired direction. Some of you will be able to use the reverse function on your handheld or wall controller. Accessories like these are a wonderful safety feature for anyone with a fan that’s more difficult to access, or those looking for an extra bit of convenience.
While many fans have the option to reverse the direction they’re spinning, some don’t. It’s okay if your fan doesn’t have this function, our staff can help you upgrade to a fan that will fit all of your needs!